JKBOSE Reschedules Exam Timing For Classes 10th, 11th, And 12th: Two Shifts Introduced
The Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education (JKBOSE) has announced a revision in the date sheets for the Annual Regular examinations 2023-24 concerning Class X, XI, and XII in the Hard Zone areas. The significant change entails the introduction of two shifts for these exams.
The revised schedule indicates that the Class X Annual Regular (Hard Zone) examinations will commence from 4th April 2024, starting at 10:00 am in the morning shift. Conversely, the Class XII examinations for the same zone will kick off from 8th April 2024, but in the afternoon shift, beginning at 2:00 pm.
Furthermore, for Class XI examinations in Soft Zone areas, the timings have been rescheduled to begin from 2nd April 2024, commencing at 1:00 pm. However, for Hard Zone areas, the Class XI exams will commence from 22nd April 2024, starting at 10:00 am.
This decision to introduce two shifts aims to streamline the examination process and accommodate the needs of students across different zones effectively. It reflects JKBOSE’s commitment to ensuring fairness and efficiency in the conduct of examinations amidst regional variations and challenges. (PTK)